The EVIQ Practice Community

Welcome to our Evolutionary Intelligence practice community!  

“ If you want to go fast, go alone.
If you want to go far, go together. ”

Does this resonate? You ...

  • Desire conscious community and a deep sense of belonging.
  • Believe in aligning mind, body, emotions and energy with your Source before taking action.
  • Want practical evolutionary tools to navigate the challenges of being a pioneer & leader.
  • Want to experience the benefit of “traveling together” - being lifted by the group’s energy to find your own alignment.
  • Are curious to explore emergence, vibration, coherence and other 5D experiences.
  • Want to learn how to move between the traditional world of our society and the emerging world of our future evolution.
  • Are curious about how to lead a 5D project or initiative that seeks to help humanity and / or our planet. 
A Warm Welcome - Join our Waitlist for 2024

What People Are Saying ...


Elizabeth Ross Holmstrom

Founder, Mindful Employer U.S. LLC, Entrepreneur, Change Maker.

Key Themes: Conscious Business, the Inner Game, Developing practices, Building collaboration, Having greater impact, Connecting with Nature, Energy and Spirit.

Your Community in a Nutshell ....

  •  We open our next series in November 2023! Join the waitlist to be the first to know!
  • There are 3 x LIVE SESSIONS per month focused on BEING, DOING & CONNECTING
  • They are 75 minutes each and will be hosted at a time TBC.
  • You will receive a recording if you miss the Lives. 
  • Links to recordings will be placed in the community portal. 
  • BONUS 1: You will have VIP access to a Quarterly Masterclass with Guest Speakers
  • BONUS 2: You will receive access to the Evolutionary Vault for an ever-expanding Inner Resources Toolkit.  The codes to open the Vault will be released in time for Christmas 2023.
  • You will have lots of FUN with your fellow evolutionary pioneers!
Feeling The Buzz? Join our Waitlist for 2024 here

Why is

Evolutionary Community 

vital at this moment in time? 

What people are saying...

Tara Jenkins

CEO Conscious Revolution LLC, Certified BCorp, Certified Conscious Business Consultant.

Key Themes: Greater Clarity and Alignment, Being Accountable and Effective, Having greater impact. 


The Juicy Details ...


1st Wednesday

Community Practice:
(Being Focused)

  • The 5D community practice session is for Space, Stillness, Silence and Replenishment.  This is Being. This is Yin Medicine.  Here we drink from the well of Source Connection. 

  • Sessions can include Guided Inner Journeys, a Being Tank (to balance the Think Tank), Embodiment practices, Vibrational Tuning, Meditation,  Energy Awareness and more.  
  • Being Practice roots your Essential Brilliance.


2nd Wednesday

Group Mentoring:
(Doing Focused)

  • Group mentoring is practically focused and covers physical, mental, emotional, energetic and spiritual technologies.
  • Submit your evolutionary challenges - have your questions answered live.

  • Learn from the challenges of other Evolutionary Pioneers.  

  •  Share your story, have your voice heard and understood - without limitations.

  • Group Mentoring grounds your Professional Excellence.


3rd Wednesday

Evolutionary Pods:
(Connecting Focused)

  • Connect with your fellow evolutionary travellers in a small pod of co-creation.
  • Experience the activation of Evolutionary Intelligence through the weaving of Being with Doing.  
  • Explore themed topics, curated via collective community asking.
  • Share stories, co-create solutions, tools and best practices.
  • Create real, authentic 5D relationships.
  • Laugh, play, have fun, feel, sense, explore, thrive. 
  • Evolutionary Pods create 5D relationships.
I'm Excited! Add me to the Waitlist for 2024

What people are saying...

Jeff Armstrong

Head of Global Operations, Centre for Creative Leadership.  Executive Leadership Coach.

Key Themes: Leading with Purpose, Connection to Inner Being, Deeper Meaning, Wisdom, Overcoming limiting beliefs, Working with shadow, Creativity, Intuition, Becoming a heartfelt leader for humanity. 


Got Questions?

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