Our Vision:
Our world is at the changing of the ages. Our Vision is to become a global hub for evolutionary leadership to support this great transition. We stand for the inside-out revolution and the activation of evolutionary intelligence worldwide, so that we can co-create a world that aligns with Nature and Source Energy.
We love our Vision!
Our Mission:
We are delivering on our Vision by creating global community, connecting evolutionary professionals in all sectors. We provide leading edge inner technologies through the format of mentoring, training and events - both in person and online. All our offerings are infused with high vibration energy - one of our signature contributions.
We love what we do!
Our Partnerships:
We believe that the time of the lone wolf is over. We are stronger together. We belong to a vibrant collaborative of evolutionary service providers, with whom we co-create to meet the emerging needs of our clients. In this way, truly anything is possible.
We love our people - and we believe you will too!
What We Deliver:
We help you to cultivate and deepen personal Evolutionary Intelligence through:
Tools to help you stabilise as you extract from a solely materially-driven reality
Practices to help you open and deepen your connection with your Source Energy
Maps to support you to navigate the unknown, infinite world of Energetics
Skills to interpret the intangible nature of energetic information
Frameworks so that you can translate this information into practical reality
Community so that you can belong here at the heart of the Evolutionary Intelligence World
Direct experiences of connection to the Evolutionary Field through The Light Beings.
Explore more through Evolutionary Mentoring & Evolutionary Community

About Our Founder:
Emily Lane is a pioneer in the activation and empowerment of Evolutionary Leaders and Change Makers worldwide. She is a Practical Mystic, Entrepreneur, Soul Seer and Visionary Speaker. Her greatest gift is the communication of leading edge ideas in a grounded and practical way.
Hailing from the corporate world initially, a near death experience catapulted her into a 20-year quest to explore, distill and apply some of the most leading edge inner technologies in our world today.
This year she has been invited to share the stage with luminaries such as Deepak Chopra, Marissa Peer and Gary Brecka. She was one of the plenary speakers at the World With Purpose Summit in Dubai, UAE in 2023, alongside speakers from the World Bank, United Nations and World Economic Forum, among others.
Emily has spoken in front of audiences as diverse as Silicon Valley Execs, Government Ministers, Royalty, Spiritual Teachers, Business Leaders and multi-sector Pioneers.
Emily has has been published by Mindful Leader and has taught at the prestigious Omega Institute in New York. She is Founding Partner of the groundbreaking Conscious Business World Summit.
The Light Beings:
In the summer of 2020, Emily started receiving information far beyond her own personal capacity - a clear, unequivocal source of insight and wisdom that was delivered through a spontaneous awakening of clairvoyance, clairaudience and clairsentience.
Since then, she has experienced multiple phenomena on the physical and inner plains. Some of these include mystical experiences, the opening of the sutures in her skull and the activation of a multi-dimensional portal, giving her access to a divine channel known as the Light Beings of Evolutionary Intelligence.
Until now, she has only shared this with the people closest to her - with clients in 1:1 private sessions and with circles of pioneers, leaders and change makers.
Now she has been guided to open this up to humanity at large. It’s exciting and exhilarating! If you feel resonance, you are most welcome to join us by booking a 1:1 appointment.

Our Logo:
Our logo is not just a logo - it is a transmission of Light & Information.
It is coded with the components of the inner journey for those wanting to awaken their soul so that they can step forward to contribute potently to the world.
- The vertical line represents the downpouring of your spiritual light to incarnate into the world, rooting all the way into the Earth.
- The horizontal line represents the relational field - the interface between you and the people you meet on your journey.
- The darker colours represent both the shadow of the world and the interior personal shadow that we all must transmute.
- The circle represents the feminine energetic principle, holding the triangle of structure and form - the masculine energetic principle. The circle also represents the grounding force of the Earth.
- The red and gold colours represent the grounding of spiritual Light in the world, the dawn of a new era and the fire of illumination.
- The white hot centre represent your Light Within - fully expressed and illuminated in the world.
We invite you to meditate on this image and experience the truth, purity and potency of this codex of divinity.