The Skills of Evolutionary Intelligence 


There are 4 Primary Skill Sets to Evolutionary Intelligence:

  • PREPARE: Integrate Vibrational Stability Practices:
    1. Integrating a lifestyle of personal practices that create internal stability
    2. Pro-active holistic support of your 5 bodies - Spiritual, Mental, Emotional, Energetic & Physical
    3. Applying everyday in-the-moment tools to navigate contrast / challenge
    4. Grounding into evolutionary community so that you are not alone
  • CONNECT: Open to your Source Energy relationship:
    1. Learning to extract from social programs and re-orient to your Source
    2. Creating Heart / Brain Coherence
    3. Understanding the Map for 3D / 4D / 5D reality
    4. Opening your Heart to the intangible yet substantial dynamics of energy
  • CO-CREATE: Navigate the Energetic World skilfully:
    1. Opening your Crown to connect with the multidimensional energetic planes 
    2. Consciously inviting co-creation with specific Source Energy Codes
    3. Understanding how energy is translated through your 4 bodies
    4. Sensing into the emerging future and working skilfully with uncertainty
  • TRANSLATE: Convert Source Energy data back into practical reality:
    1. Dynamics of Re-entry - unifying logic and intuition to create results
    2. Iterations - listening & refining with Source Energy
    3. Co-Create - The Relational Field and The Feedback Loop
    4. Navigating 3D & 5D world co-existence

Are there more than 4 Skill Sets?  Yes.  Infinite Intelligence is just that.  Infinite.  There is literally no end to the evolutionary development that is available to us.  Next steps can include (but are not limited to) extra sensory perception, inter-dimensional data retrieval, full spectrum channelling and much more besides.  

At the Academy, we advocate for the steady integration of the 4 Primary Skill Sets to begin.  This ensures a sustainable rate of evolution.  Our focus is to assist you in first becoming proficient in the 4 Primary Stages of Evolutionary Intelligence initially, before moving on to the Master Skills.  If you are already proficient in these skills, please feel welcome to reach out for a deeper conversation.

Our EVI Essentials Guide is coming soon.  If you would like to receive your free copy, join our mailing list below to get early access!

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