
We work at the intersection between consciousness, emergence and systems change.
We empower Leaders, Pioneers and Change Makers with the 
Skills of Evolutionary Intelligence, so that together we can
create the Inner Conditions for a collective Evolutionary Leap.

What is Evolutionary Intelligence?

Before systems can change, the interior of the systems-creators must change.

But where is the most potent interior leverage for humanity?

Evolutionary Intelligence is the internal connection point between YOU and your Source Energy. 

The more you cultivate Evolutionary Intelligence (EVIQ), the more capacity you have to

perceive, align and co-create with this infinite possibility.

This is an invitation to learn the skills that will allow you to consciously co-create with your Source,

so that the magnetism of your evolution will lead you.

3D Extraction

Extract from limitation and stabilise your vibration

4D Activation

Activate brain-heart coherence

5D Marination

Unify with the Evolutionary Field

4D Translation

Skillfully convert energetic data into tangible insights

3D Application

Practically apply evolution into the everyday


"Another world is not only possible, she is on her way.

On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing."

- Arundhati Roy
1997 Winner of the Booker Prize

How can the Academy help me?

This is a global evolutionary hub, informed by Source Energy. 

And together, we are co-creating a great leap forward for our world.

There are 3 ways that we can support you in cultivating deeper Evolutionary Intelligence.

By Application. Very limited places for Leaders with high level capacity for impact.


For Leaders, Pioneers & Change Makers serious about making a difference.


Join our Global Community Portal.


YOUR WAY: Invite an Evolutionary Intelligence experience to be delivered to your event

anywhere in the world. 

And as always - follow us on Social Media / Join Our Newsletter for Free Resources.

Like to hear what other leaders, pioneers and change makers have to say?


Watch their video testimonials here

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